

作者:张愉悦 日期:2020-05-14 点击:8847

程雁 (英文名 Steven Y. Cheng)







程雁 (Steven Y. Cheng)教授,博士生导师。1986年毕业于北京大学生物系, 获理学士学位; 1995年获美国Wisconsin大学博士学位,师从生物分子化学系 (UW-Madison,Dept. Biomolecular Chemistry) James E. Dahlberg 教授;1995-2000在加州旧金山大学诺贝尔奖金获得者J Michael Bishop 实验室从事博士后研究。在就任美高梅娱乐特聘教授前,任职于美国马里兰州 Igen International生物技术公司。

程雁实验室致力于研究形态发生因子Sonic Hedgehog (Shh)调节组织形态发生和细胞定向分化的信号转导,及其促进肿瘤发生的分子机制。这一研究方向不仅是发育遗传学与分子细胞生物学的核心课题之一,同时在癌症治疗等生物医学领域也具有重要的临床意义。近年来他们在这个领域有三项重要发现,包括1)揭示了泛素连接酶Smurfs调控Shh受体Patched1由内吞途径在溶酶体内降解代谢的机制,2)阐明Sufu作为一种新型分子伴侣调节通路转录因子Gli活性的机制;以及3)去SUMO化酶SENP1对Gli1的调节作用。今后程雁实验室将着重探索如何通过阻断Shh信号转导来抑制肿瘤生长的新途径。


为美国癌症学会会员,世界华人生物科学家学会终身会员,中国生物物理学会理事,和Protein-Cell杂志副主编, 并为多种国际著名杂志Science Signaling,Journal of Biological Chemistry,Oncogene, Oncotarget, Cerebellum, Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapry, Cell & Bioscience, Cell Biochemistry and Function, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Biology, 以及Physiological Genomics等特邀评委


1. Zhang, Z, Li, S, Cheng, SY. (2013) The miR-96-182 cluster promotes tumorigenesis in a mouse model of medulloblastoma. Journal of Biomedical Research 27:486-94.

2. Huang, HJ, Liu, J,  Hua, H, Li, SE, Zhao, J, Yue, S, Yu, TT, Jin, YC, and Cheng,SY.  (2014)  MiR-214 and N-ras regulatory loop suppresses rhabdomyosarcoma cell growth and xenograft tumorigenesis.  Oncotarget 5:2161-75.

3. Ren, J, Huang, HJ, Gong, Y, Yue, S, Tang, LM, and Cheng,SY.  (2014)  MicroRNA-206 suppresses gastric cancer cell growth and metastasis.  Cell & Biosciencedoi: 10.1186/2045-3701-4-26.

4. Yue, S, Tang, LY, Tang, Y, Tang, Y, Shen, QH, Ding, J, Chen, Y, Zhang, Z, Yu, TT, Zhang, YE, and Cheng,SY.  (2014)  Requirement of Smurf-mediated Endocytosis of Patched1 in Sonic Hedgehog Signal Reception.  eLife doi: 10.7554/elife.02555.

5. Jin, Y, Xiong, A, Zhang, Z,Yu, TT, Cao, X , and Cheng, SY. (2014) MicroRNA-31 suppresses medulloblastoma cell growth by inhibiting DNA replication through Minichromosome maintenance 2.  Oncotarget PMID: 24970811.

6. Xu, W, Wei, Y, Wu, SS, Wang, Z,   Sun, Y, Cheng SY*, and Wu, JQ*   (2015) Up-regulationof the Hippo pathway effector TAZ renders lung adenocarcinoma cells harboring EGFR-T790M mutation resistant to Gefitinib  Cell & Bioscience doi: 10.1186/2045-3701-5-7.

7. Fu L, Wu H, Cheng SY, Gao D, Zhang L, and Zhao Y.  (2016)  Set7 mediated Gli3 methylation plays a positive role in the activation of Sonic Hedgehog pathway in mammals.   Elife   doi: 10.7554/eLife.15690.  

8. Zhang, ZY, Huang, HJ, Kelvin, L, Liu, XT, Shen, LY, Hua, H, Zhang, ZD, Li, SE, Yu, TT, Yue, S, C Hui, CC, and Cheng SY.  (2016)  Suppressor of Fused chaperones Gli proteins to generate transcriptional responses to Sonic Hedgehog signaling.  Molecular and Cellular Biology, (publication ahead of print, doi:10.1128/MCB.00421-16).  

9. Zhang B, Wang G, Xu X, Yang S, Zhuang T, Wang G, Ren H, Cheng SY, Jiang Q, Zhang C.  (2017)  DAZ-interacting Protein 1 (Dzip1) Phosphorylation by Polo-like Kinase 1 (Plk1) Regulates the Centriolar Satellite Localization of the BBSome Protein during the Cell Cycle.  Journal of Biological Chemistry 292:1351-1360. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M116.765438.

10. Liu HZ, Ding J, Yan S, Yu TT, and Cheng SY. (2017)  DeSUMOylation of Gli1 by SENP1 attenuates Sonic hedgehog signaling.  Molecular Cellular Biology 37(18). pii: e00579-16. doi: 10.1128/MCB.00579-16.  

11. Ding J, Shao L, Liu HZ, Yue S, Xie L, and Cheng SY.  Diacylglycerol kinase  triggers endoplasmic reticulum release of IFT88-containing vesicles destined for supporting the assembly of primary cilia.  (2017)  Scientific Reports 7(1):5296. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-05680-8.  

12. Wu X, Zhang LS, Toombs J, Kuo YC, Piazza JT, Tuladhar R, Barrett Q, Fan CW, Zhang X, Walensky LD, Kool M, Cheng SY, Brekken R, Opferman JT, Green DR, Moldoveanu T, Lum L.  (2017)  Extramitochondrial prosurvival Bcl-2 proteins regulate gene transcription by disarming the SUFU tumor suppressor  Nature Cell Biology 19 (10):1226-1236.  doi: 10.1038/ncb3616.

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